BELOW you will find many topics involving the UFO enigma, and other
unexplained, strange, paranormal events that are taking place world wide.
We have created this area to encourage our world wide audience to not only
discover and learn, but to voice their opinions about how they view the
current state of affairs. Find out how others feel and find your own comments
posted in the "Sound Off (Viewer Comments )" section.
We hope that by doing our tiny little part here in encouraging open discussions
about these topics, that it might represent "one small step for mankind"
in bringing the global village a little closer to the fact that these events
are REAL, and are happening world wide. And as more and more people begin
to speak openly about their experiences and feelings, I think we will see
the "Ridicule Factor" denial and ignorance of these matters begin
their final FADE TO BLACK. And as ONE RACE.... the HUMAN RACE, we can step
into the NEW MILLENNIUM with a fresh start, as ONE species, with open hearts
and minds, and take our place in the very much alive.... Galactic Community.
Enjoy, Ernie...
1.UFOs real or not? Swamp Gas, mass halucination,
or Chariots of the Gods?
2.The Roswell Incident: Did it really happen?
Or just another really cool sci-fi story!
3.A UFO Government Cover Up! Do you believe
this is true, not true? Tell us how you feel!
4.Alien Abduction: Are they really here? Or
the product of many overactive imaginations.
5.Crop Circles: Fingerprints of the Gods, sex
crazed hedge hogs or simply a random act of nature or ?
6.Cattle Mutilations: Alien or secret government
field research or Satanic Rituals or ?
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